Dog Training


We at Waggin’ Tails Dog Walks truly believe in building lasting bonds and relationships between dogs and their owners. If you are looking for some work on your dogs manners, we can definitely help you with that. Dogs jumping on your counter, stealing food or shoes and jumping on guests is only cute for so long. If your dog has a history of biting or misbehaves in any way during your walks, our behaviorist LOVES a challenge.

All of our training methods are geared towards getting your furry friend to trust you in every situation so they never feel the need to act out. Our behaviorist has been working with dogs of different breeds/sizes with misunderstood tendencies and behaviors for over 10 years. Training methods are geared towards positive interactions with whatever stimuli your dog is afraid of. With clear communication and positive re-enforcement, you will notice a change in your dog during the first session. Our trainer believes in educating the owner to have all the tools and skills necessary to deal with any obstacle they may face on a walk.


With the Contact Us button below, you can start off by filling out our form and our behaviorist will be in contact by phone within 24 hours. During the phone consultation, the behaviorist will set a date for an assessment on your furry friend. You will also be sent a 4 page questionnaire to be filled out before the date of the assessment and if the behaviorist or trainer have any further questions, they will contact you.

During the assessment: The behaviorist will come to your home to meet your furry friend and go for a short walk. During the walk, they will use several dogs, one at a time, to gauge your dogs reaction to them. If your dog has trouble with other stimuli, the trainer will provide those or find them during the walk to watch your dog in action. The assessment is to get a more in depth understanding of the problems at hand.

After the assessment: The behaviorist will be in touch by phone within 72 hours with a plan to help you and your furry friend along the way to pure happiness. All plans are specifically catered to each individual dog and owner. They will also let you know how many sessions will be required to achieve the goal set out in the longer form that you filled out.


1/2 hour assessment

  • $50 Manners and Obedience *

  • $100 Behavior Modification For Aggression *

Dog Training

  • $100 per session or $250 for 3 (Manners and Obedience) *

  • $200 per session or $500 for 3 (Behavior Modification For Aggression)*

    *Prices are for GTA only. Travel fee not included for outside GTA